Oracle® Retail Integration Suite

Release Notes

Release 19.0



January 2020

This document highlights the major changes for Oracle Retail Integration Suite 19.0.0.


The Oracle Retail Integration Suite is comprised of the Oracle Retail Integration Bus (RIB), the Oracle Retail Service Backbone (RSB), Oracle Retail Bulk Data Integration (BDI), Retail Financial Integration (RFI), and Universal service Mapper (USM). This release of Oracle Retail Integration Suite includes changes in architecture, technology stack, and deployment instructions.


Oracle Retail Integration Bus is a fully distributed integration infrastructure that uses Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) to integrate applications. RIB enables various Oracle Retail applications to integrate in asynchronous and near real time fashion. RIB provides additional value added business and infrastructure services to the Oracle Retail applications in addition to providing integration connectivity.


Oracle Retail Service Backbone (RSB) is a product comprised of a set of Web services, an enterprise service bus (ESB), and security tools that standardize the deployment and runtime of Web service flows within the Oracle Retail Suite of applications. RSB is an uptake of Oracle Service Bus (OSB) for the Retail domain. RSB can also be viewed as a set of pre-built Web service integration API end points delivered by Oracle Retail. Both RSB and RIB use Retail Business Object (RBO) for the messages. This ensures consistency and interoperability between the integration patterns. In addition to this, common tools like Retail SOA Enabler (RSE), Retail Integration Console (RIC) work with both styles of integration products.


Bulk Data Integration (BDI) is the Oracle Retail Enterprise Integration Infrastructure product designed to address the complexities of the movement of bulk data between Oracle Retail applications and third-party applications. BDI is designed to provide the bulk data integration to meet the modern needs of cloud and on-premise movement of large data sets in deployments of Oracle Retail applications and support both fully on-premises configurations and on-cloud configurations in a hybrid cloud/on-premise deployment.


Oracle Retail Financial Integration (RFI) provides a direct integration solution between Oracle Retail Merchandising Suite and enterprise financial systems (EBS/PeopleSoft/CFIN). The Oracle Retail Financial Integration is aligned with Oracle Retail's overall integration strategy. This version of Oracle Retail Financial Integration targets integration between Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS) and Oracle Financials.


Universal Service Mapper provides the critical data mapping features used in the WMS Cloud/hybrid integration. USM supports two of styles of integration: message-based, such as from RIB, and service-based, such as from external applications. This functionality allows USM to take service calls from an external solution and transform them to the correct style and format for an Oracle Retail application. This tool is only used for the WMS Cloud integration with this release.

Oracle Retail Cloud Services and Business Agility

Oracle Retail Integration Suite is hosted in the Oracle Cloud with the security features inherent to Oracle technology and a robust data center classification, providing significant uptime. The Oracle Cloud team is responsible for installing, monitoring, patching, and upgrading retail software.

Included in the service is continuous technical support, access to software feature enhancements, hardware upgrades, and disaster recovery. The Cloud Service model helps to free customer IT resources from the need to perform these tasks, giving retailers greater business agility to respond to changing technologies and to perform more value-added tasks focused on business processes and innovation.

Oracle Retail Software Cloud Service is acquired exclusively through a subscription service (SaaS) model. This shifts funding from a capital investment in software to an operational expense. Subscription-based pricing for retail applications offers flexibility and cost effectiveness.

Hardware and Software Requirements

See the product Installation Guide for information about the following:

n        Hardware and software requirements

n        Oracle Retail application software compatibility

Functional Enhancements

The functional enhancements described below are included in this release.

BDI Supports Inbound Integration with External Systems

In previous releases, BDI provided an integration infrastructure for outbound data from Oracle Retail applications to external systems/third party applications. In the current release, BDI supports inbound feeds from external systems to Oracle Retail applications. With this, external systems can send bulk data into the Oracle Retail echo system of products. This requires field implementation; however, the supporting artifacts such as table definitions, batch jobs, and process flow definitions to support external applications as a sender are available out of the box. For implementation details please refer to the Oracle Retail Bulk Data Integration Implementation Guide.

USM Functional Enhancements

Sr. No.

Change Description


Added Support for Multi Destination Allocation


Added Support for Multiple orders to multiple destination location in a single load/manifest


Added Support for Multiple orders to single destination location in a single load/manifest


Added Support for Multiple RTVs in single load/manifest


RIB Functional Enhancements

Sr. No.

Change Description


Added add XItem related message types to RIB and IGS:

n                Item Translation - Xitemtlcre/mod/del

n                Item Supplier Translation - Xitemsuptlcre/mod/del

n                Item Image Translation - Xitemimagetlcre/mod/del

n                Item HTS - Xitemhtscre/mod/del

n                Item HTS Assess - xitemhtsassesscre/mod/del

n                Item Ticket - xitemticketcre/mod/del

n                Item Expenses - xitemexpensescre/mod/del

n                Item Season - xitemseasoncre/mod/del

n                Item Upcharges - xitemchgcre/mod/del


Added Item Supplier operations to ItemManagement Web Service:

n                modifySupplier

n                deleteSupplier

n                modifySupplierCountry

n                deleteSupplierCountry

n                createSupplierCountryDim

n                modifySupplierCountryDim

n                deleteSupplierCountryDim


Added UDA related operations to ItemManagement Web Service:

n                createUDA

n                modifyUDA

n                deleteUDA


Added new BDI flow interfaces for SIOCS. This flow is from third party applications to SIOCS/EICS and does not involve other Oracle enterprise applications.

n                data flow of transfers

n                data flow of purchase orders

n                direct-to-store deliveries into SIOCS.


Added Daily & Weekly Demand Forecast Interface between RDF-RMS.


Technical Enhancements

The technical enhancements described below are included in this release.

BDI Bulk API for Batch Job CRUD Operations

This release introduces new ReST Endpoints for Bulk Create/Update and Delete of Jobs in BDI/JOS Job admin applications. Existing end points can create/update/delete the individual jobs, but the new endpoint allows bulk operations on jobs.

BDI - Support Added for OAuth2 with IDCS

This release introduces new support for OAuth2 (with IDCS) for BDI/JOS applications to improve the overall performance by avoiding multiple calls to the IDCS server. Although the recommended and default authorization mechanism is OAuth2, basicAuth is also supported to maintain backward compatibility. BDI Installers support OAuth2, and during installation, the installer collects additional information and configures the system options to support this change.

BDI services were OAuth2 enabled before, so there are no changes to the service provider side. The only configuration changes required in BDI are for the service consumer side, which requires more information to talk to the IDCS OAuth2 Token Provider.

BDI - Bulk Update for Schedule Status

A new ReST end point has been introduced in the scheduler application to allow the user to update the status of one or more schedules with a single ReSt request. Valid values for schedule status update using the API are ACTIVE and DISABLED. The ReST end point returns the schedule level status for the status update operation.

RFI - ODI Replacement for CFIN Integration

In this release, the ODI tool has been replaced by PL/SQL packages to transform account entry data (from RMS/REIM) and invoice entry data (from REIM), making the data available as CFIN FBDI (File Based Data Integration) through the RFI database. CFIN ERP Integration web-services are used to load and handle the data on the CFIN side.

A new set of adapters have been added in RFI UI to control these interfaces, and new logs have been added to troubleshoot the issues for these interfaces.

RFI - Domain Data Cross Reference UI Update

In this release, the Domain Data Cross Reference page in ORFI GUI has been renamed to "Manage DVM". The user can now update/delete the row except CommonID using the Update/Delete button. The user can also add a new row using the Add button. Common ID is an auto-generated sequential value.

RIB - Rest-app Type Support

In this release, Rib installer is enhanced to install the following rib-applications:

n                rib-lgf can be installed as soap-app only

n                rib-rob can be installed as rest-app or javaee-app

n                rib-ocds can be installed as soap-app or javaee-app


RIB no longer supports XPrcEvent flow from RMS to External. This flow is deprecated.


USM Support for Custom Projects

The USM allows the implementation of custom mapping to third party systems; however, the customer is responsible for the development of the new mapping projects. For this purpose, a separate installation of USM is required. The customer must not mix custom code with the base Logfire code that already exists.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle® Retail Integration Suite Release Notes, Release 19.0


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Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language

Oracle Retail VAR Applications

The following restrictions and provisions only apply to the programs referred to in this section and licensed to you. You acknowledge that the programs may contain third party software (VAR applications) licensed to Oracle. Depending upon your product and its version number, the VAR applications may include:

(i) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation (MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Data Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.

(ii) the Wavelink component developed and licensed by Wavelink Corporation (Wavelink) of Kirkland, Washington, to Oracle and imbedded in Oracle Retail Mobile Store Inventory Management.

(iii) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.

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